Thank you! for your prayers, I so appreciate you lifting me and the work God is doing here in Lviv up in prayer. Prayer changes everything!
Prayer Requests
1. physical wellness, have been sick with a virus that seems to be hanging on forever
2. seeking God in what ministries He wants me to be apart of here at New Horizons Lviv
3. for our men at New Horizons to step up to lead the church
4. our discipleship school on Wednesday nights so exciting to see what God is doing!
5. for people God has put in my path, for the Holy Spirit to work on their hearts to accept Jesus
6. for me to continue to grow in the grace, love and mercy of our God
7. for eyes to see what Jesus would see and the courage to reach out in faith
8. for a larger church building to hold our services so more people can hear
9. for continued finances to support life here in Lviv and for our church
10. for more people to join us in the field
11. for more people to support us in prayer
12. for God's will to be done here in Lviv and Ukraine
13. for a young man Dima, a Ukrainian missionary, called to Lviv to reach children for Jesus.
14. for the Word to go out and for the people of Lviv to open their hearts to Jesus.
15. for three men who I work with at church, Vova, Vitalik and Volodia, to hear the call God has put on their lives to serve Him and to embrace it with everything they have.
Will do Greg and I added them to the prayer chain. God bless you.